The Crown Knights Elite was a specially trained group of knights that served as the King’s ambassadors to the kingdom during the Great War of Echelon. They were trained to handle any situation, whether through diplomacy or combat. Cecil Arlington was just a boy when he was taken to be trained as a Knight Elite, and he was to serve as a squire on the battlefield. Due to the war ending abruptly and the objective of restoring the realm taking precedence, his training fell to the wayside by the overwhelmed Knights Elite. As the famous knights were dispatched to heal the broken land, Cecil would have been totally abandoned as an unfinished squire had not the brave Sir Reginald of the Black Falcons took him on.
Sir Reginald was an older knight who had fought in countless battles, including several in the Great War. As a member of the Black Falcons, he was an expert swordsman and a brilliant strategist. He taught Cecil everything he knew as a soldier and warrior before granting him knighthood and sending him forth into the world.
Cecil now travels the land, his goal being to help anyone in need who comes across his path. Cecil is a bit naive and tends to get himself in over his own head, but he is very kind-hearted, brave, friendly, and ready to fight for the right thing. He is always willing to listen to both friends and foes and wants to do what he can to help either so conflict can be avoided. Cecil tries to live up to the heroic legacy that his knighthood represents, but time will tell if he has what it takes to do so.
Cecil is the leader of the party but typically lets the group decide where to go and what to do next. He sees his fellowship as his friends as well as teammates and wants to help them achieve whatever goals they are working towards. In disagreements, he does his best to listen to both sides and find fair solutions, although this does not always happen. The rest of the party sees him as a nice guy who tries his best, but not every problem can be solved with words.
In combat, Cecil is as skilled a swordsman as he is a tactition. The party trusts him and will follow his instructions for the most part, making them a mighty force to be reckoned with. However, these are dark and uncertain times and the realm is filled with monsters and untold evils. Despite the power of this brave group of adventurers, the fate of the Echelon may depend on more, and Cecil may find that he is more important than anyone yet realizes.